Recently I received the error while working on a WordPress Site.

Message: file origin does not match viewer's

Solution. Both the website and the PDF have to be served over the same protocol, in my case, SSL.

I upgraded the website to use SSL. The PDF.JS plugin and the file must be served from the https URL. I updated the page with the embedded plugin and served the file over SSL to match the application.

private fun createTimerNotification(application: Application, body: String): Notification {
    return NotificationCompat.Builder(application, FOREGROUND_TIMER_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)

NuGet File Locations

NuGet Cache
Stores downloaded NuGet packages (.nupkg).

  • %LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache
  • %UserProfile%\.nuget\packages

NuGet Configuration
The NuGet.Config file stores user defined NuGet package sources, credentials and proxy settings. The default location for this file is:

  • %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.Config

Machine Wide NuGet Configuration
Machine wide configurations are used to define NuGet package sources specific to a machine or a particular IDE, such as Visual Studio.

  • %ProgramData%\NuGet\Config