Alternate Case/Format selection:

Have you ever been asked to update some code from a long time ago only to find that almost every tag is in capital letters?  AGHH!

<TITLE>My Really Old Site</TITLE>

<P> Lots of body test </P>
<P> Lots of body test </P>
<P> Lots of body test </P>

<IMG SRC="mypic.jpg" width=351 height=113>


Highlight all that code and press CTRL + K then CTRL + F and you will format all the code. It would then look something like this

<title>My Really Old Site</title>
Lots of body test
Lots of body test
Lots of body test
<img src="mypic.jpg" width="351" height="113">

Granted your code may still be far from perfect, but it is definitely a huge help.

Key Launcher (Like Alt + Tab on Windows)

Are you someone that lives by keyboard shortcuts? I know I am.  Are you familar with Windows Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut and toggling through all active programs? Well a similar feature exists within Visual Studio press Ctrl + Tab and toggle through your active Windows and Files.

Visual Studio Ctrl + Tab


Control + Spacebar will bring up intellisense if you are in code view. Great if you click out by accident or you just want to see what is available in the scope of the code.

Visual Studio Intellisense

Break Points

Have a bunch of break points scattered over a couple of files in a solution. Just want to delete them all and start fresh. Ctrl + Shift + F9 will delete all current break points in a solution. Don’t worry Visual Studio will prompt you with a confirmation first.

Get Visual Studio Professional for free!

Well maybe. If you are a student like myself you can head over to is run by Microsoft. They offer full versions of some of the newest Microsoft products, like Visual Studio. Why? Because they know we are the future and they think we are an investment. Take them up on the opportunity and get ahead of the competition.

Shortcut key posters:

Microsoft Visual Studio has a bunch of keyboard combinations that can be very helpful, to get a more complete list check out some of the resources Microsoft offers:

Visual Studio Key Reference Posters

Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster

Visual Basic 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster

Visual C++ 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster

Visual C# 2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference Poster

Visual Basic 2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference Poster

Visual C++ 2005 Keyboard Shortcut Reference Poster

WARNING: This project is outdated and not maintained.


Please read the disclaimer and the rest of this page before you download, then head over to when you are ready to install the application.


Twitter Talk is a Launchy-like program. It stays invisible until you are ready to use it. Just hit your hotkey and up pops twitter talk. Now you can post to Twitter what is on your mind right away. By default, the hotkey is ALT + T, but that can all be customized.


Twitter Talk Default Window

Twitter Talk's Settings Window


  • .NET 3.5 runtime framework
  • A Twitter account
  • Administrative rights

Credits: for all the Twitter icons.

This was a problem I racked my brains over for a while when I first started using SSIS. I found a few possible including using a File System task to copy a “Template” Excel file over the existing on, or generating unique files by appending the date.  I simply wanted to overwrite the existing data just like the Flat File Destination gives you that option.

My workaround was as flows:

Create the Data flow the way you normally would, then go to the Control View Then add two Execute SQL Tasks before your data flow is called so it looks like this

Step 1: Add Execute SQL Task 1 to Control Flow
Step 1: Add Execute SQL Task 1 to Control Flow

Set both Execute SQL Tasks to use the Excel file

Step 2: Set Connection Manager
Step 2: Set Connection Manager

Set your first Execute SQL Task’s SQL Command to drop your table which is also known as the sheet name of your Excel file.

Step 3: Drop Table
Step 3: Drop Table

Repeat step 3 on the second Execute SQL Command this time create your tables.

If you are new to SSIS or looking for some more advanced help, one of my favorite books is Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services you should check it out.

Music is everywhere with today’s high speed internet is most home it is no wonder that music is even moving to the World Wide Web. Many radio stations allow you to stream their stations over the internet. Many websites have been developed around music, like,, and I recently released my second version of Jango Desktop and one of the features I implemented was the ability to look up lyrics. Before I started I was thinking about all the ways I could parse the lyrics out of an existing lyric’s websites database. During my searching I stumbled upon Here is a small description of LyricWiki from the website:

LyricWiki is a free site which is a source where anyone can go to get reliable lyrics for any song, from any artist, without being hammered by invasive ads.

At this point you are probably thinking to yourself the same thing I did “Great, but where do I start?” So today I am writing a step by step tutorial on how to use Lyric wiki in your .NET program.

Creating a simple lyric demo program:

Step 1 Create the Form

Step 1: Create the Form

Open visual studio and setup your form to look similar to mine.

Adding the web service:

Because LyricWiki offers a web service, you will want to add it to your program as a web reference. Right click on your solution and select add a web reference, or in .net 3.5 add a service reference -> then go to advance and add a web reference. The service’s URL is you will want to add it like below if you press go you should see the available methods.

Adding a Web Reference

Adding a Web Reference

Writing the code:

Double click on your button on the form and let’s right some code to handle the lookup.

Add this to the top of your code:


Then add this to the button clicked method:

private void LyricsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


LyricWiki wiki = new LyricWiki();

LyricsResult result;

string artist = artistTextBox.Text;

string song =   SongTextBox.Text;



result = wiki.getSong(artist, song);

Encoding iso8859 = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1");

LyricsRichTextBox.Text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(iso8859.GetBytes(result.lyrics));


StatusLabel.Text = "Lyrics not found in database";



Then run and test.

Download the full solution of LyricsLookup


New Way:

Facebook is constantly changing its layout. The new way to disable public search is to go to

  • Account – > Privacy Settings
  • In the lower left hand corner look for Apps and Websites
  • Edit your settings
  • Edit settings for the public search
  • Uncheck enable public search.

Old Way:

Login to Facebook and go to your privacy settings.

Privacy  Settings

Select the Search Settings

Search Settings

Uncheck:  “Create a public search listing for me and submit it for search engine indexing”

Public Search Listing

Edit:  As Dan pointed out in the comments. Make sure  your Search Visibility  is set to everyone for the “Create a public search listing” option to show up.

It may take a week or more for search engines to completely remove your listing from their indexes. However Facebook is a popular site so I am sure it gets index quite frequently.